Amazing Looks from Goodwill written by Bjorn Nasett

Devion - Taming the Wild Sweater

Posted by Jamie Klinger-Krebs on Jan 1, 2013 12:00:00 AM
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Devion is a guy with a lot of charm and charisma. And, he also knows a thing or two about fashion himself! When I spied this Saxony sweater with teal-green leather details, I was reminded of Cliff Huxtable from the Cosby Show. But, only in a good way of course! How do you tame a wild sweater like this? You pair it with some jeans. In this case some H.I.S. white jeans, which by the way can be worn year round. The days of “no white after Labor Day” are long behind us. As long as the fabric is weather appropriate, in this case heavy denim, why not wear it year round? He added some of his own cool accessories like an Adidas watch and some Lacoste navy and white sneakers that really put a fashionable spin on these sporty pieces. Like I always say, relatable pieces are what makes for great style statements!  

Devion's Favorite Item: Teal/green Saxony leather sweater

"It's cool and different."

From Goodwill:

  • Teal/green Saxony leather sweater - $12.99
  • H.I.S. white jeans - $7.99

From Devion:

  • Lacoste navy and white sneakers
  • Adidas watch

Topics: Bjorn Nasett, Fashion, Fashion Trends, Fashion Accessories

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