Amazing Goodwill Guest Blogs

Amazing Goodwill Guest Blogs is happy to share the unique viewpoints, talents and creations of those who support our mission and love to shop our stores! If you have an idea, project or something you'd like to share with us for a possible guest post, please email it to

Thank You for Helping Us Build Greener Communities!

Posted by Goodwill Staff on Apr 19, 2021 1:07:28 PM

As we begin our celebration of Earth Week, we want to personally thank YOU, our amazing shoppers and donors,  for helping us make a positive environmental impact in our communities.

Despite our brief shutdown due to COVID-19 in 2020, we were able to keep over 139 MILLION pounds of materials out of landfills.

When you donate or shop secondhand with Goodwill, you prevent one more item from being thrown away and help the environment in multiple ways.

Here's a few other important ways Goodwill helped sustain the health of our environment in 2020:

Topics: earth week