Amazing Goodwill Guest Blogs

Amazing Goodwill Guest Blogs is happy to share the unique viewpoints, talents and creations of those who support our mission and love to shop our stores! If you have an idea, project or something you'd like to share with us for a possible guest post, please email it to

Posted by Sustainable Kayla on Apr 18, 2022 1:41:39 PM

Spring Thrifting for Garden Supplies at Goodwill - Sustainable Kay

By Goodwill Guest Blogger Kayla | IG: @sustainable.kay 

The warmer weather is slowly approaching here in Wisconsin and that means it’s time to get our yard supplies together! There is no better way to spring into the new season than to acquire some new indoor and outdoor plants or get your garden ready. Whether you’re a first-time plant parent or an experienced landscaper, you can certainly find some of the tools and things you need for planting through thrift stores.

Posted by Sustainable Kayla on Apr 19, 2021 2:20:37 PM

Three Reasons Why Thrifting is Better for the Environment

Thrifting or shopping secondhand is a great way to reduce your environmental footprint while finding some really cool and unique items that you wouldn’t be able to get elsewhere.