Goodwill Lifestyle Expert - Marques Clark

Goodwill Lifestyle Expert - Marques ClarkMarques J. Clark is a husband, father, forward-thinker, educator and author. Born and raised in Oak Park, IL, Marques always had a passion for writing. He took an interest in poetry at an early age and had his first piece published in 8th grade. Marques received his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Master of Science in Higher Education from Northern Illinois University. Upon graduating, Marques started his entrepreneurial career as the co-founder of Aucity, a marketing and research company that develops strategies for engaging younger audiences in non-traditional ways. In 2016, Marques became the bestselling author of his first book, The Goodwill Fashion Lookbook. He currently lives in the Western suburbs of Illinois with his wife Kyndall, and son Micah. During his down time, Marques enjoys photography, traveling, reading, spending time with friends and family and binge-watching Shark-Tank. He is currently wrapping up the first installment in his Pop Culture in Education book series. Marques' personal mission is to help individuals reach their fullest potential through creativity and innovation and wants to continue to serve as a resource for those interested in discovering their passion.

Posted by Marques Clark on Aug 15, 2017 12:40:05 PM

The Benefits of Having an Internship with Goodwill

If you’ve ever searched for a job online then you know there are many things employers look for. If you have experience in a specific job industry, then you might have an advantage when marketing yourself—depending on what the employer is looking for. But, what happens if you’re a recent graduate with limited work experience? Or, if you’re transitioning into a new career field that’s different from the field you have experience in? What do you do? Even many entry level positions ask for at least some experience before coming into a position. So, now you’re faced with this dilemma; how do you successfully secure a job that’s asking for years of experience if you don’t have that experience? The answer—An internship.

Posted by Marques Clark on Aug 8, 2017 4:21:32 PM

5 Interview Questions to Ask During Your Next Job Interview

If you’ve had an in-person interview before then you know that your appearance (see What to Wear to an Interview by Shopping at Goodwill and Tie Shopping at Goodwill for Your Next Job Interview) and the way you answer the interview questions can successfully land you a job offer. You’re also probably familiar with what takes place at the very end. After you’re done answering questions, which are supposed to show how much of a great candidate you are, the interviewer closes out with, “Well, now it’s your turn to put us in the hot seat. What questions do you have for us?” You don’t want to be the candidate who regretfully admits to not having any questions prepared. Failing to provide questions for the interviewer comes off as a lack of interest on your part. Not to mention, the awkward silence that comes with not having any questions can be very uncomfortable.

Posted by Marques Clark on Jul 25, 2017 3:30:20 PM

How to Create an Elevator Speech

Last weekend, I made a trip to Goodwill and ran into my old friend James. We hadn’t seen each other in years so we were really excited for the chance to quickly catch up. I updated him on things going on in my life and we had a few laughs about the high school and college days. I then asked him, “So what’s new with you?” His reply was this: