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Goodwill Home Décor Expert - Merri Cvetan

Merri Cvetan

My weekly column for Amazing Goodwill and my design blog, Design Coach, are about all things design, living a stylish life and entertaining (like setting a great table). I share DIY projects, decorating and design tips, as well as ideas and secrets.

If you have a specific question for Merri, feel free to email her at askmerri@goodwillsew.com.

Learn more about Merri here and follow her on Twitter and Pinterest!



Festive Flowers for Cinco de Mayo

Posted by Jamie Klinger-Krebs on May 3, 2012 4:13:00 PM

ask the experts goodwillDecorating for a Cinco de Mayo Fiesta is as simple (and inexpensive) as creating colorful paper flowers.

1. Gather up tissue paper in bright colors. You can use string or pipe cleaners to hold the finished flowers together, but I like the twist ties from trash bags. Stems can be small dowels or wooden skewers.

2. Cut squares of tissue paper in any size. Obviously, the bigger the square, the bigger the flowers.

3. Layer 6-to-8 pieces and fold accordion style.

4. Use the twist tie to hold it all together in the center.

5. Carefully separate the layers. When all layers are “open” scrunch the petals together until you get a shape that resembles real peonies.

6. For a more realistic flower, trim the edges randomly with your scissors. The rougher the edge, the more life-like the flower will be. Or, use a highlight marker to “paint” the edges. You don’t want to be too perfect, this is an art project.

7. Arrange big bunches of flowers in vases you can purchase at your Goodwill for as little as $.99 to decorate your buffet table.



















Topics: spring, DIY, decor