Goodwill Fashion Expert—Bjorn Nasett

Wisconsin farm boy, Bjorn Nasett has a career that spans 30 years. He enjoys being a writer, wardrobe stylist, vintage and resale clothing expert, hair stylist, makeup artist and photographer! In his spare time he adopts senior dogs and strongly believes in pet adoption. Check out his website!

If you have specific questions send him an email at

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Posted by Jamie Klinger-Krebs on Nov 21, 2013 2:21:00 PM

Pilgrim’s Progress (in Fashion)

By now we all know the story of the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving, correct?  If not, here’s a quick recap of their contributions and why we should be thankful for them. The very first thanksgiving celebrations that we know of were most likely held by Spanish settlers during the 16th century. But, the most famous was the feast held by the settlers in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621. Pilgrims, or early settlers of the United States, came to the new colony seeking religious freedom from the tyranny they encountered in England. Inadvertently their fame over these almost four hundred years has spawned several fashion movements in addition to the holiday meal tradition. How many of us have had the pleasure of making Pilgrim hats, or other iconic symbols of Thanksgiving in grade school?  But, what are the stylish trends that suggest this central theme of the historic culture of our country? The following paragraphs highlight what styles we should be thankful (or perhaps not) to the Pilgrims for providing to us.