Goodwill Fashion Expert—Bjorn Nasett

Wisconsin farm boy, Bjorn Nasett has a career that spans 30 years. He enjoys being a writer, wardrobe stylist, vintage and resale clothing expert, hair stylist, makeup artist and photographer! In his spare time he adopts senior dogs and strongly believes in pet adoption. Check out his website!

If you have specific questions send him an email at

Follow Bjorn on Facebook, Twitter, PinterestTumblr and YouTube!

Watch Bjorn in action! ... See more videos featuring Bjorn (and more) on our AmazingGoodwill YouTube channel!

Posted by Jamie Klinger-Krebs on May 22, 2014 11:04:00 AM

Coral Chic for Spring and Summer

The word commonly used to describe a marriage between the colors of pink and orange is coral. This word is taken from marine invertebrates that inhabit tropical oceans and create a hard skeleton with sharp edges. The beauty of the branch-like coral reef itself has been used as a basis for design concepts for years, but in the fashion world, the color “coral” has been embraced over and over again during the past couple spring and summer seasons.