Goodwill Fashion Expert—Bjorn Nasett

Wisconsin farm boy, Bjorn Nasett has a career that spans 30 years. He enjoys being a writer, wardrobe stylist, vintage and resale clothing expert, hair stylist, makeup artist and photographer! In his spare time he adopts senior dogs and strongly believes in pet adoption. Check out his website!

If you have specific questions send him an email at

Follow Bjorn on Facebook, Twitter, PinterestTumblr and YouTube!

Watch Bjorn in action! ... See more videos featuring Bjorn (and more) on our AmazingGoodwill YouTube channel!

Posted by Jamie Klinger-Krebs on Dec 19, 2013 11:07:00 AM

The Gift of Fashion

One question I am asked regularly is, “How did you get into fashion?” That’s a tricky question, because as long as I can remember I paid attention to how people dressed. Growing up in a rural area people rarely dressed up during the weekdays, as most were farmers and other working-class people. On Sunday, of course, getting ready for church is a memory that stays with me. Polishing shoes and getting my clip on bow tie just right! From then on, I realized that the way we present ourselves to people is totally dependent on where we’re from and how clothing and fashion fits into our lives. That is what is so amazing about my work with Goodwill. I am thankful that I am able to help people navigate the vast ocean of style and fashion and hopefully encourage them to create their own unique looks by shopping at our stores. This week, I want to share with you some of my favorite books on the subject of stylishness. Or, in other words books that can help your shape your own opinion in a fun and informative way. Some of these books are still in print, and some that are not can be found online.  Any one of these titles would be the perfect gift for the fashion lover you might know!