Goodwill Events and Promostions

Celebrate Earth Day with Goodwill!

Posted by Goodwill Staff on Apr 22, 2021 9:21:11 AM

Happy Earth Day Suite_960x450_v2

Did you know that when you shop at or donate to Goodwill, you are not only helping people earn jobs, advance their careers, and care for their families, but you are also making a positive impact on the environment?  

By supporting Goodwill and embracing a few simple earth-friendly changes at home, you can bring new life to our spaces and help preserve our environment. Celebrate Earth Day with us by integrating these three eco-friendly activities at home.   

  1. Donate and Shop at Goodwill: Give unused items a second life by cleaning out your closet and storage spaces in your home by donating them to Goodwill. Because of generous donations, we were able to keep over 139 MILLION pounds of materials out of landfills in 2020!   

  2. Be Earth Friendly at Home: Consider using reusable cloth towels and napkins instead of paper or use reusable containers, cups, and straws whenever possible. Having greenery indoors and outdoors brings life and color at home, so consider planting an indoor or outdoor garden as well.

  3. Save Energy: Switch your devices to eco-friendly mode when those options are available. Unplug any electronics you don’t use regularly and think of other small ways to save and reuse water at home to make a big difference for the planet.  

These small changes can make a significant impact in reducing each person’s environmental footprint. Want to learn how YOU helped us build greener communities in 2020? 

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