Goodwill Fashion Expert—Bjorn Nasett

Wisconsin farm boy, Bjorn Nasett has a career that spans 30 years. He enjoys being a writer, wardrobe stylist, vintage and resale clothing expert, hair stylist, makeup artist and photographer! In his spare time he adopts senior dogs and strongly believes in pet adoption. Check out his website!

If you have specific questions send him an email at

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Posted by Jamie Klinger-Krebs on Aug 19, 2015 8:00:00 AM

Fall DIY Fix Up!

With fall just around the corner, many of us take a look at our summer items and begin to make decisions on what to keep, retire or donate. Sometimes certain items in our wardrobes might seem just a little bit “tired.” Maybe they’re a little faded, or even a tad bit out of style for what’s happening in fashion right now. But, if you really love something and want to refresh it, or bring it back to life, dyeing is the easiest and most inexpensive way to do that. What’s in style right now is the color gray. Shades of gray run the gamut from dark carbon gray, to light purple gray and everything in between. I searched for some items at my local Goodwill that I thought could benefit from a “dye bath” to bring them a renewed sense of style. I found a crocheted cardigan ($3.99) with a slouchy textured feeling, as well as a denim trench coat ($5.99) that had some wonderful details. Both were in very good shape but had succumbed to being out of date, not because of the style, but because of the coloration. As long as an item is 100% cotton or has a high content of cotton in the fabric, it should be dyeable.

Posted by Jamie Klinger-Krebs on Mar 19, 2015 11:55:00 AM

Dyeing for Spring!