Amazing Goodwill Guest Blogs

Amazing Goodwill Guest Blogs is happy to share the unique viewpoints, talents and creations of those who support our mission and love to shop our stores! If you have an idea, project or something you'd like to share with us for a possible guest post, please email it to

Posted by Goodwill Industries International, Inc. on Aug 16, 2020 10:30:44 AM

Are You a Seasoned Thrifter?

If you’re new to thrifting, it can be very exciting to discover a whole new world of affordable and sustainable goods available at your fingertips. But let me tell you, as a thrifter of more than 40 years now, there are some things about my Goodwill shopping style that have changed and evolved over the years. Perhaps they date me, perhaps they show I’ve learned a few things, but they all definitely scream, “She’s been doing this a while!”