Goodwill Fashion Expert—Bjorn Nasett

Wisconsin farm boy, Bjorn Nasett has a career that spans 30 years. He enjoys being a writer, wardrobe stylist, vintage and resale clothing expert, hair stylist, makeup artist and photographer! In his spare time he adopts senior dogs and strongly believes in pet adoption. Check out his website!

If you have specific questions send him an email at

Follow Bjorn on Facebook, Twitter, PinterestTumblr and YouTube!

Watch Bjorn in action! ... See more videos featuring Bjorn (and more) on our AmazingGoodwill YouTube channel!

Posted by Jamie Klinger-Krebs on Sep 2, 2015 5:28:29 PM

Pin Spin

Is the brooch, or pin, the unsung hero of the accessory world? Or, is it the frumpy cousin that always seems just a little out of date? Pins, like any other accessory, had their moment in time, but they may have lost a little of their luster along the way.  Brooches, or pins, date from the Bronze Age and were often made of metal. Their primary purpose at that time was to hold clothing together, as well as to differentiate the class of people who wore them from those who didn’t. Today they belong to the realm of costume jewelry and are available to all! I found a few great examples of pins at Goodwill, and I’ll show you some easy ways to add them to your wardrobe without looking like one of the “Golden Girls.”