Goodwill Mission Stories


Posted by Goodwill Staff on Jan 3, 2020 4:10:00 PM

Carlos R. - Mission Connect

Watching the journey of our participants through Goodwill’s programs is something we are so fortunate to be a part of. 

For just over a year, Carlos has utilized Job Development services through Goodwill’s Supported Employment Services that is funded by the State of Wisconsin’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Individuals in our Supported Employment Services work closely with Goodwill staff, receiving long-term job coaching support to help them develop their skills through work. From the start, staff could tell that Carlos was very interested in getting a job in the community. 

In April of 2019, Carlos also began attending Goodwill’s Community Opportunities Club-North. There, staff reinforced the skills he was gaining through Supported Employment by helping him prepare for potential employment opportunities through a Job Preparation class. This class reviewed interview skills, practiced mock interviews, taught about dressing for success and allowed practice of hands-on tasks often found in the workplace. Carlos worked closely with his Job Developer to find a good fit – a Temporary Work Experience (TWE) was offered with a local theater in August 2019. His hard work and new skills were hard to miss; before his TWE was even complete, Carlos was offered a permanent position with the theater! Today, he is excelling at his job and through his Supported Employment team, he continues to learn and further grow his job skills. Carlos continues to talk about how much the Job Preparation class, and the support of his supervisors helped him secure this new position. We are so very proud of him.

Carlos’ Supported Employment Services were funded through the State of Wisconsin-Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Other funding sources can include Family Care, Community Care, I-Care, Care WI, IRIS, High Schools or Private Pay. Supported Employment Services are offered in Milwaukee, Waukesha, Ozaukee and Washington counties. Contact Goodwill’s Intake Coordinator at (855) 455-1110 to make a referral or for more information.

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